Birth Photography $1250
Includes an in-person or Zoom meet and greet.
On call starting at 38 weeks.
Unlimited coverage of active labor and delivery including 1-2 hours after birth.
100+ edited images delivered in an online password protected gallery
A deposit of $200 is required to reserve your due date. The balance is to be paid by 38 weeks (unless other arrangements have been made).
Payment plans are available.
Sneak peek with 2-3 images within 24 hours after delivery.
Fresh 48/Lifestyle Newborn Session $475
Fresh 48 sessions can be done in your hospital room, birthing center or home.
This session lasts 1 to 2 hours.
Newborn Lifestyle session is performed in the comfort of your home.
For the Newborn Lifestyle session, I can bring props/wraps, if you desire.
A deposit of $150 is required to hold your spot.
Your images will be delivered in an online password protected gallery.